nyc personal trainer

Chest Assured

Chest Assured

A powerful-looking chest can make any boy weak in the knees; the thought of burying my face in those rock-hard pecs makes my mouth water. A big, firm chest also boldly displays the fact that you work out. Although there are ways to artificially create this look—one word: implants—it’s best to develop those beautiful tits the natural way.

Here’s a killer chest routine guaranteed to not only create a massive pump before you go out for the night, but also to push you beyond your normal limits, which will help stimulate growth and give you a rack that the boys will attack.

New Year, New Bod

New Year, New Bod

It’s that time of year again when millions of people around the world make the life-changing decision that they’re finally getting in shape. But for many folks that decision lasts about a week before they return to their nightly Netflix-and-takeout routine and forget all about that resolution. That lifestyle may be easier and more familiar, but you’ll be kicking yourself this summer when your stomach has magically expanded several inches.

The reality is that you have approximately six months before peak beach season. So how do you keep your fitness resolutions and avoid a sad case of the shrunken Speedos? Remember these six tips and and you’ll be much more likely to meet your fitness goals in the new year.

Recovery: Bouncing Back

Recovery: Bouncing Back

Recovering from an injury or surgery can be a daunting task. Some people may even require physical therapy in order to function normally or as close to normal as possible, which can be a major setback for your fitness progress. This can be depressing and frustrating, and it’s even worse if your injury occurred during a workout. That’s what happened to me just over a year ago when I sustained a shoulder injury that required surgery and several months of physical therapy, so I completely understand the emotions that you may experience. However, you can’t allow this to hold you back; you’ve got to be a fighter!

Workout: Go In With a Plan

Time is precious when you live in a city that never sleeps. This is especially true during the holiday season. Between parties, bar crawls, family gatherings, brunch, and even holiday hookups, many of us find very little time to spend at the gym.

So how do you squeeze in gym time during the holidays? Go in with a plan! Here are five tips to help insure that you’re effective with your time and stay in shape all season long.

Only 260 Days Until Swimsuit Season!

Summer may have just ended, but the truth is another swimsuit season is always right around the corner. It’s never too early to start forming habits that will make getting your beach bod back in shape so much easier. Here are seven habits you should adopt this fall