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Escape and Stay in Shape

Escape and Stay in Shape

Has the cold weather confined you to your tiny apartment? Although you may make brief trips to the gym to ogle buff guys, you find yourself desperately needing to escape the anxiety cloud looming over you. In the mornings, as you prepare to venture into the frozen wasteland of the city and try to wash away an expression of dread, the warm splash of water across your face floods your mind with thoughts of waves crashing on a sunny beach. So you pull out your phone and book the first flight to Puerto Vallarta.

Sure, that vacation sounds amazing, but you can’t neglect your workout routine as easily as your New York City responsibilities. Here are six ways to make sure you stay in shape on your great escape.

Body Talk: Staying Fit After 40

Turning 40 is often viewed as a crossroads. For some, that means a midlife crisis, and some turn to binge drinking. With our culture’s glorification of youth in fashion and media, it’s not hard to see why a lot of people fear the big 4-0. So what’s a 40-plus-year-old man supposed to do? Get in shape and own your fantastic, well-earned age! That’s what fashion influencer Paul Margolin, president of Marc Bouwer, does. At 49, he’s ripped and hot as hell. So how does he stay in such great shape? Let him tell you in his own words. —DW